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Guest Blog by Iris Shamus, Founder and CEO of AllerMates Did you know that physicians recommend two shots of epinephrine be carried at all times? This is not because the pharmaceutical companies tell them to say that, but rather because two auto-injectors are truly a must-have for kids with food allergies and other severe allergies which could make the difference between life and death. In fact, a study done a few years ago found that of the 150-200 deaths caused by anaphylaxis each year, a delayed or inadequate dose of epinephrine is most often to blame! Before I get into why it’s important, let me introduce myself. My name is Iris Shamus, and I’m the founder of a company called AllerMates. More importantly, I’m the mother of a son with multiple, life threatening food allergies whose diagnosis inspired me to create our line of medical alert bracelets, charms, medicine cases and more. Our mission at AllerMates is to provide parents simple, friendly and reliable resources to help kids understand allergies and other health concerns, so naturally, epinephrine news is a hot topic of conversation within our team! If you’re wondering why two shot of epinephrine are needed for kids with food allergies, here are four situations to consider:
The bottom line is that no one should find themselves in any of these situations without an extra dose of epinephrine, so be sure to have two in reach of your child at all times. It will provide the best line of defense in the event of a severe allergic reaction and help you protect your kid as best as you can before getting expert medical attention. To comfortably and conveniently carry two doses of epinephrine, grab one our AllerMates medicine cases and attach it to backpacks, lunch bags or strollers. Each case also comes with a handy emergency contact and allergy medication card so kids can stay protected on-the-go! These cases can be found in our online store, or in select CVS stores across the country in the cold and allergy aisle!
All the best, Iris P.S. If epinephrine and anaphylaxis are two important topics for you, sign up to receive our AllerMates newsletter. Every month, we’ll send the latest news, product updates and allergy-friendly product reviews directly to your inbox! Iris Shamus Wife, mother to three awesome kids and founder/CEO of AllerMates. Based in New York, Iris and her team create helpful content, answer emails, ship their products and obsess every day about keeping kids safe. |
December 2024
December 2024