This brings me to the blog I am writing today. Since I have been on this journey with my family, I have learned so much about food allergies along the way. One thing I continue to see and learn is how we all manage food allergies very differently. There isn't a family out there that manages allergies in the exact same way. There are always going to be differences depending on the child, the food allergy, the number of food allergies and many other factors. Every family has their own way of dealing on a day to day basis. As food allergy advocates and parents, we can't force our ways on other food allergic families. We can most certainly advocate for our children and teach others the potential severity of food allergies, but we can't change the way others choose to manage their own food allergies or their child's.
I have met parents out there that come across as overly protective, and I have also met families that are too relaxed about food allergies. We all have our own comfort levels. Some choose to dine out in restaurants and others wouldn't dare to eat out with food allergies. Before consuming foods, some families feel very safe and trust checking and reading labels, while others feel more comfortable calling the manufacturers. Some
prefer their children to self-carry their medication while at school and others feel it isn't necessary. Some allow their food allergic children to ride the school bus but prefer they sit at the peanut and nut free table and then others prefer to drive their kids and let them sit at a regular lunch room table. I could go on and on. From homeschooling, drinking fountains, play structures to movie theatres, we all manage differently based on our comfort levels, the allergies, and our family. The point is no one is right or wrong and none of these make any of us better parents than the other.